Wednesday, July 1, 2009

So long Hoser, I'll Miss Ya (Damn You Scotty!!)

I got a chance to meet Hossa once, or Hoser as I like to affectionately call him, and even though I didn't get to talk to him for long, didn't say much to him, I got the feeling he's a pretty cool guy. I'm gonna be sad to see him leave. Although, I'm not entirely sad - because I'm hoping this means the wings will get to keep Huds. And as much as I respect Hossa, I blame him for everything that went wrong this season :) If he had stayed with Pittsburgh they wouldn't have won the cup - they wouldn't have had the money to pick up/keep a bunch of their players. And now it all starts again - the wings can't afford him and keep important role players on the team - so they're letting him go. Man, it must be rough to have all that talent and not be able to succeed. Here's wishing you ~some~ luck and success Hoser, but just keep out of the wings' way while you're at it!